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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People


International Women’s Club supports the treatment of people suffering from addiction

International Women’s Club supports the treatment of people suffering from addiction


Press release


In March 2016 the charity foundation of International Women’s Club – Sofia ( donated the sum of 5,000 levs to support the activity of Association for rehabilitation of dependent people (

With the help of the donation three people experiencing financial difficulties will have the opportunity to receive treatment for the next 12 months in the rehabilitation program for people addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling of Solidarnost.

The donation will cover a part of the expenses of the three people for their participation in the program.

About the program for rehabilitation of people suffering from addiction Solidarnost:

Solidarnost Association works in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation of people addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling.

Its primary activity is to develop a rehabilitation and resocialization program for people suffering from addictions. The program of Solidarnost is a day therapeutic community (open non-residential program) created in 2003 and has a broad experience with the treatment of addictions.

Drug, alcohol and gambling addictions are disorders of the behavior, which impair the normal functioning of the person in the society. Because of that, the program is focused on learning and behavioral change.

The program functions as a day center – the people in it are at the center between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every weekday. During this time, they participate in different ateliers, discussions and educational seminars, pedagogical and therapeutic groups, share their difficulties caused by their drug and alcohol use or gambling and look for alternatives to the addiction.

The program is free of drugs, alcohol and violence and offers a clean, safe environment where people in a small group with the same problem learn to help each other, to accept themselves as they are, to understand themselves and to express their needs. Despite their fear that they are not going to succeed, they receive acceptance, support and cooperation when dealing with life problems and training in social skills from the group and the team.

The optimal duration of the rehabilitation process is 12 months followed by at least 6 months of resocialization.

To contact Solidarnost Association:

Phone: 02/971 99 20
Mobile: 0884 38 99 30, 0879 47 42 24
e-mail: info(at)