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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People
Проект Солидарност - лечение на зависимости

“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

We started Solidarnost Program to meet the needs of people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and problem gambling, as well as their families and relatives.

    The program aims at:
  • Rehabilitation and social reintegration of drug addicts leading to autonomous living.
  • Support and consultations for clients’ parents and relatives.
  • Information and consulting, popularization of Solidarnost’ cause.

Structures of the Organization

“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

The main activity of Solidarnost Association is rehabilitation and resocialization of alcohol, drug addicts and gambling, which is implemented by the Solidarnost Program. The program was established in 2003 and employs psychologists with extensive experience in recovering from addictions.

The Solidarnost Program offers a clean, sheltered environment that does not allow the use of drugs and alcohol as well as the violence.

To register for a primary consultation, you can contact us at the following phone numbers between 9:00 and 17:00 every working day:



Program for Gambling Addicted People

The evening program aims at helping working and studying individuals, who are addicted to gambling, as well as their families. It is important to us that we provide a service that is both easily accessible and sufficiently effective to meet the needs of people struggling with gambling addiction. Therefore we offer a predominantly group based approach, which is backed by a personal treatment plan (PTP) and individual counseling. The clients’ relatives can take advantage of the support of our family counselor.

National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline

Since 2009, the Information and Consultation Center “Ambassadors of Hope” has been operating the National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline (NDAGH).

Telephone line: 0888-99-18-66

The team

Светослав Кирилов

Specialist name:
Svetoslav Kirilov

Dilyana Bondokova

Specialist name:
Dilyana Bondokova

Светлана Николова

Specialist name:
Svetlana Nikolova


Who we are

Solidarnost Association is a nonprofit organization in public interest founded in 2006.


  • In 2003, Solidarnost Program was started by the Association for Fight against Epidemic Diseases and Drug Addictions.
  • In 2004, we started working with parents and relatives of the clients.
  • In 2006, the Information and Consultancy Center Ambassadors of Hope was established.
  • In 2006, Solidarnost Program went under the management of Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People Solidarnost.
  • In 2008, the National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline was started.
  • In 2015, the low-threshold center Posoka was established and functioned till May 2019.
  • Between 2017 and 2020, Solidarnost Association bore the name Fracarita Bulgaria.
  • In 2019, the Evening program for gambling addicted people started its work.

More information about the formation of the different structures of the organization can be found on “Projects” menu.

Structure of the Organization

The main activity of Solidarnost Association is rehabilitation and resocialization of people suffering from addiction which is carried out by Solidarnost Program in two forms: a day program for people addicted to drugs and alcohol, and an evening program for gambling addicted program. The Program is staffed with experienced psychologists in the field of addiction.

Other projects of the organization:


Solidarnost Program is established in accordance with the standards of the National Anti-Drug Strategy and the current international best practices. Our rehabilitation program has been approved by the National Center of Public Health and Analyses and we possess a License for provision of the social service „Therapy and Rehabilitation“ by the Agency for Quality of Social Services to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

Supervision and Monitoring

Our Program is supervised by Dr. Kimon Ganev (clinical and team supervision). The National Center of Public Health and Analyses monitors our activities, which guarantees the adherence to the best practices guidelines.


Solidarnost Association is a member of the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC), the European Foundation of Drug Helplines (FESAT), the European Companionship in Education, training by travel (ECEtt), and the National Patient`s Organization (NPO).

Organogram of Solidarnost Association


EFTC Ecett Fesat NPO