
02‑971‑9920, 0884‑38‑9930

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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

Rehabilitation Program

Rehabilitation Program

The primary activity of Solidarnost Association is the rehabilitation and resocialization of alcohol, drug and gambling addicts, as implemented by the Solidarnost (meaning „‘Solidarity“ in English) Program. The program was established in 2003 and employs psychologists with extensive experience in the recovery from addictions.

Addiction is a behavioral disorder that prevents normal human functioning in society. That is why the Solidarnost Program focuses on altering the behavior of addicts.

Our program is a day (non-resident) therapeutic community for those addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling. The people in treatment stay with the program between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM every working day. During this time, they participate in various workshops, discussions and training seminars, and therapeutic groups. They share stories about the difficulties they experience because of their drug and alcohol use or gambling problems, and look for alternatives to life with addiction.

The Solidarnost Program offers a clean, secure environment in which illicit drug and alcohol use is not allowed, and nor is violence. In it, a small group of people with the same problem learn to help each other in tackling it, to accept themselves as they are, to understand and to talk about their needs. Here, despite the fears that they may not succeed in resolving their problems, they share with the group and the team a practice of acceptance, support, assistance in solving life situations and training in social skills.

Participation in the Program is voluntary – it is optional, and everyone is free to leave if this is his or her decision. The optimal duration of the recovery process is 12 months. There is a recommended minimum of 6 months of resocialization thereafter.

The program is socially-oriented to all levels of society.


The Solidarnost Program offers several types of services related to the recovery from addiction:


  • Primary consultation – includes an analysis of the needs of the people looking for our services; Providing information, advice, orientation and motivation to enter the rehabilitation program or another treatment.


  • Daily pedagogical work in different types of workshops. Workshops allow learning through experimentation and behavioral change.


  • Work to improve the medical condition of the addicted person – upon entering the rehabilitation program the psychologist guiding his/her case follows his/her current medical condition and assists him/her when needed with current medical examinations and tests.


  • Therapeutic work – performed daily in the rehabilitation program. Addicts work on their psychological issues in different types of groups, looking for the causes of addiction and ways to overcome it.


  • Work with families and relatives – the aim is to explore the family system and its participation in the causes of addiction, to reduce family conflicts and to prepare to accept the change of their related addict.


  • Social services – assistance in settling the social and legal status of the program participant at his/her request.


  • Outside the daily therapeutic community, the Solidarnost Program offers individual counseling suitable for people with problematic drug and alcohol use or gambling, who have a job and the support of a social and family environment. Family counseling is offered to their parents and relatives.