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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People



Since 2009, the Information and Consultation Center “Ambassadors of Hope” has been operating the National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline (NDAGH). The Helpline was established by the Association “Solidarnost” (now „Fracarita Bulgaria“) via a project funded by the MATRA Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands: “Establishing a Bulgarian Drugs Helpline and Interactive Information Website (2008-2010)”.

NDAGH is the first of its kind service in Bulgaria, designed to provide to the community as a whole extensive and reliable information on the types of psychoactive substances, the effects and risks of drug and alcohol use, the problem gambling, the addiction and the methods of its treatment, the places to get help around the country, as well as guidance for parents, relatives and teachers.

NDAGH provides telephone and Internet information and consultations via four information channels:

In its work, NDAGH upholds four main principles:

  • Anonymity – anyone can call the telephone line or use the chat and email to contact us without risk of identification and without fear of judgment.
  • Accessibility – you can connect in real time with our team by phone 0888 991 866 or via chat from 9 am to 5 pm. Every day, and during the remaining hours of the day, you can look on our website, to send us an email, visit our blog or our pages on the social networks.
  • Objectivity – we do not take sides “for” or “against” drug use, but help you make your choice by answering difficult and sometimes painful questions.
  • Professionalism – our team consists of professionals who are trained to work in the field of addictions, as well as in telephone and Internet counseling.

The NDAGH website is the largest platform in Bulgaria related to the use, abuse and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Since 2010, NDAGH has been reinforcing its presence on the Internet through various social media:

The Bulgarian National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline is a member of FESAT (European Foundation of Drugs Helplines), along with about 50 other helplines in Europe.

The Telephone line 0888 991 866 was created and is maintained by Mobiltel EAD.