
02‑971‑9920, 0884‑38‑9930

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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People


We need your help!

Each donation will make a difference in the life of a fellow person, an addicted individual who has decided to deal with his or her addiction. Your donations will help us to continue our projects that teach addicts – the participants in our Solidarnost Program – how to live responsibly, how to use their skills in their local community, and how to make a successful transition to life of non-addiction.

Your financial support is also extremely important for the National Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling Helpline which free services are being used by thousands of people all over Bulgaria and abroad. Help us continue lending them the much needed support!

Our benefactors will receive a gift certificate if they wish.

The Board of Solidarnost Association and the entire team would like to thank our sponsors, without whose participation and timely intervention our existence would not be possible:

Financial donations:

Non-financial donations:

The team and the Board of Directors of Solidarnost Association would also like to thank the Embassy of Belgium and in particular Their Excellencies Mr. Marc Michielsen, Mrs. Anick Van Calster, and Mr. François Bontemps for their unconditional help.