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“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessment

The objective assessment of clients through psychological tests and questionnaires allows comparison of the results of the tested person with the professionally established norms, without subjective assessment by the psychologist.

MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2)

There are tests that have been used and improved over many years, which are well-known and popular assessment tools. Some of them also have proven diagnostic capabilities. One of the most famous personality assessment tests is the MMPI test. It is a clinical test that is used for the diagnosis of various mental and personality problems. It can be used to assess the effectiveness of therapy and also for the recruitment of high-risk professionals where the  pre-assessment of psychopathology is important.

The standard clinical scales measure the levels of hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviation, masculinity-femininity, paranoia, psychostenia, schizophrenia, hypomania and social introversion.

Content scales measure anxiety, fear, obsession, depression, health concerns, strange thoughts, anger, antisocial practices, cynicism, low self-esteem and negative treatment indicators.

PSY – 5 scales measure aggression, psychosis, weak inhibition, negative emotionality, introversion.

TAT (thematic aperceptive test)

The projective testing methods allow for the diagnosis and study of personality and the identification of major difficulties in the social adaptation of the assessed person. One of the classic features of this research is TAT (thematic aperceptive test) created by Henry Murray. The study consists of showing a series of vague images, based on which the respondent has to come up with a narrative that is then interpreted by the psychologist. TAT is designed to assess patterns of thinking, attitudes, emotional reactions, and the capacity for observation of the respondent.