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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

Individual consulting

Individual consulting

Individual psychological counseling is a lower-intensity therapy than the day therapeutic community and is suitable for people who are not yet addicted to drugs/alcohol or gambling, or the degree of severity of their dependence is mild.

Individual counseling is also appropriate for:

  • people who work or study and can not participate in the daily therapeutic community;
  • people who are able to structure their days and have a good supporting social and family environment;
  • people who do not live in Sofia or the nearby areas.

Usually, psychological counseling begins with a study of the needs and expectations of the client, and then – by exploring his/her beliefs, thinking, emotions and behavioral responses that are not effective and that deepen the problem.

The psychologist helps the client to identify ineffective behavior, irrational beliefs; helps him/her express their emotions and seek alternative ways to cope in everyday life without substance use or gambling.

In a psychological session there are two experts – the client is an expert in his life, and the psychologist – in the field of addictions and psychological counseling. That is why the relationship between the psychologist and the client, the cooperation and the engagement of both in the psychological counseling are essential for the success of the session and of the whole process.

Although it is sometimes difficult to recognize that we need psychological help, it is the better solution, which is an expression of courage and responsibility to ourselves.