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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

Family consulting

Family consulting

The family is a system that is a living organism with its own rules, repetitive relationships and tasks. The main function of the family is to give emotional, spiritual and material support to each individual. And even more: to allow space for each individual to develop and to feel himself or herself as being of value to himself/herself and to others.

When someone is an addict, their addiction affects the whole family. Family life revolves around problems arising from this addiction. When a family member begins treatment to cope with their addiction, the pain and worries of other family members do not disappear on their own.

What does it mean for a family to recover?

Although often protracted, the family reunification process means returning to the daily rhythm of life from before a family member became addicted, and recognizing the needs of each family member. Family counseling supports family members to cope with their negative feelings of anger, loneliness, and despair, and helps restore trust between them.

Family counseling supports family members in exploring, realizing, and changing the ways in which they interact; in learning how to communicate more successfully with each other without constant reproofs and accusations; in being open to one another without fear of being hurt.

Family counseling is appropriate for anyone who is worried about the use or substance addiction, or gambling of their relatives.