
02‑971‑9920, 0884‑38‑9930

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Solidarnost Association
“Solidarnost” Association for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

Work with families

Work with families

Our vision is that the family of the addict not only plays a part in the manifestation of addiction, but it also plays a part in the solution to this problem. Therefore, parents and relatives of addicts participate in the Solidarnost Program by:


  1. Attending planned family meetings at least once a month between the client, his/her parents/relatives/intimate partner and the leader of the family work. The aim is to study the family system and its participation in the causes of addiction, to reduce family conflicts and to prepare the family for accepting the change of their related addict.
  2. Outside these family meetings, there is a Solidarnost Parental Support Group that meets once a week for 1.5 hours and includes the parents of addicts. It addresses the problems of the parents themselves and their strategies for coping with the behavior and dysfunctional attitudes of their children.
  3. Support Group of Relatives/Friends of the Program participants: facilitated by the leader of the family work and held once a week. It is similar to the Parental Support Group but involves other loved ones of the addict. Its goals are to bolster the client’s supportive environment and to seek a dialogue with his/her closest environs and significant others.
  4. Individual meetings with parents/relatives at their request to break their own isolation or to exchange information about the program, its tools and ways of functioning.


Time of the mutual support group:

Wednesday 18.00 – 19.30 o’clock – Parental Support Group